gio 18 apr
|Location is TBD
MHA Atlantic Family Meeting
Orario & Sede
18 apr 2024, 19:00 – 20:00
Location is TBD
Info sull'evento
These support groups/educational programs are for individuals with a loved one who is affected by mental health and/or substance use disorders. Staff at The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County offer three online meetings each month, both day and evening options. The meetings typically include an educational segment as well as support in the form of stress-reduction, self-care, resources, advocacy and mutual aid. Day meetings are 10 am on the 2nd and 4th Thursday; and 7 pm on the 3rd Thursday. To receive a link, contact Gail Christian at 609-652-3800 ext. 0301 or . These meetings are offered by Intensive Family Support Services. Staff in this program also are available to provide one-on-one consultations.gchristian@mhanj.org